M is for anything but Mondays.

I love my job, but I love my weekends, so given the choice between fun adventures and being under fluorescent office lights....I'm going to have to pick the weekend gallivanting. Wouldn't you? 

Some weekend snippets/recommendations for your viewing/auditory/olfactory/tastebud pleasure:


I made it out to Memorial Park on Saturday for a nice 3 mile run, and of course the 'ole ankle isn't up to snuff so it was more of like an injured antelope hobble. But I saw some beautiful Bluebonnets on the way, so that helped. 

Later on, I sunbathed like a desert lizard who hadn't seen the sun in months (oh wait, I haven't seen then sun in months) and ended up with an embarrassing raccoon tan. Beverage of choice: Red Stripe. It's a delicious beer that also tastes amazing with a lime. Highly recommend.



Auditory/Ear Snacks:

As I've aforementioned, I'm really into music. If you haven't started following my 'starred' list, please do so; I guarantee you'll like it. Even if it IS a work in progress. 

Here are my current obsessions:

The Wood Brothers- "I Got Loaded" just amazing. In fact, I love it so much here's a youtube vid of them. 

CLICK HERE to see the latest and greatest songs that I'm currently spinning constantly.


Sunday night I made a trip to Central Market and bought some fresh gulf redfish (recipe coming soon!) and couldn't help but buy myself some lovely flowers. Sometimes it's just nice to be nice to yourself. I highly recommend it. If you're a dude...maybe this is like buying yourself a nice six pack? (though I do love that too....) Anywho, these smell phenomenal. Sorry you can't smell my screen.

Garden roses and stock from CM.

Garden roses and stock from CM.


Friday night I headed to one of my favorite gems in Houston, Giacomo's Cibo e Vino

Great menu selection (our friend gave up pasta & bread for Lent and was still totally able to find some delightful options) and their wine list is extensive and amazingly well priced. Amazingly. 

I ordered the torteli di bietola which is ravioli stuffed with Ricotta cheese, swiss chard and finished off with a sage butter sauce. I get the 1/2 order because that means there are no calories in it. You didn't know that? You're welcome.

My friend ordered the pasta bolognese and WHOA. Mind blown. It's probably the best bolognese I've had since I left Italy. I'm not kidding. Perfect perfect pasta, and sauce that was 1,000,000% on point. 



It's a perfect casual date spot/friend spot/just a great spot in general and when the weather finally decides to be stable, get out on that patio and feast. 


1.) Try Red Stripe lager. 

2.) Listen to cool tunes 

3.) Buy yourself something to say "hey, thanks self!"

4.) Go to Giacomo's 

As always, leave your comments/arguments/suggestions below! Can't wait to hear from y'all!