Tuesday Tune-Up
It's time again. For Tuesday Tune-Up and for TEAM USA! The World Cup has given me heart palpitations, heartache, excitement and the great desire to run very fast for 90 minutes and pretend to be a world class athlete. Right?
In the midst of my unpacking frenzy and general life nuttiness, I thought I'd take a few to tell you about 2 things.
1. Treats.
2. Good tunes.
Great combo. Treats and tunes are two of my favorite things.
1. The "treat".
Summer must.
For those of you who know me personally, you know I have a little obsession...With leopard/jaguar print. The phrase " as far as I'm concerned, leopard is a neutral" has crossed my lips (though originally it was coined by Jenna Lyons, who is amazing). So you can imagine my excitement when I was sitting at The Swell Cafe in Mission Beach with MainSqueeze, flipping through a local magazine when I saw the absolute gem pictured above by Maslin & Co. This company does animal print, and they do it WELL. Tasteful, classy, with the perfect touch of funk. Find these gems here.
2.) The tunes.
I don't know about you, but seeing all the pics from #FPSF, Glastonbury, Coachella, etc. I've been jonesing for some live music out in the sunshine.
My last night in Hawaii. Amazing sunset (and the company wasn't too shabby either...!!!)
I can't tell you how happy it makes me to sit outside in the sunshine and listen to live music. One of my favorite live performances was in Austin, 2010ish(?) and Band of Horses played an incredible set as the sun started to sink off into the horizon. Unreal. I'll never forget it. I know you've all had an incredible concert experience, no?
So, my friends. I leave you with a link to my Spotify profile where you can see my playlists. They range from what you want to listen to when you're having a cold brew outside, to what you want to listen to when it's raining and grey out. CLICK HERE FOR EAR CANDY.
Next on TheSizzle we'll talk about #NOMZ. All the vacation nomz I had, all the nomz I've had in between, and nomz to come in the future. Thank you for your patience during my flurry of craziness!